School, community, and organisational approaches
In many respects, tertiary education organisations are not as advanced in their approaches to student success and well-being as are primary and secondary education organisations. This may reflect the belated “massification” and democratisation of tertiary education cf primary and secondary education. In any case, there are many pre-tertiary examples from which we can learn. Moreover, there are some organisational examples from which we can learn regarding strategies to promote the success and well-being of their members.
BounceBack! is a wellbeing and resilience class-based program for children and young people from Kindergarten to Middle School. It offers practical strategies to help children and young people function well at school and in life and is based predominantly on children’s literature.
KidsMatter Primary
KidsMatter Primary is a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and has been shown to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian children.
KidsMatter Primary provides the proven methods, tools and support to help schools work with parents and carers, health services and the wider community, to nurture happy, balanced kids.
KidsMatter Early Childhood
KidsMatter Early Childhood is a flexible, whole-service framework designed specifically for early education and care services.
The KidsMatter Early Childhood framework informs and supports early childhood education and care practice and quality requirements; provides resources, tools and reflective opportunities; and connects educators, children, families, management, community and health professionals.
The Penn Resiliency Program (PRP) Curriculum
The Penn Resiliency Program (PRP) Curriculum is aimed at children aged 10-13 years and is typically delivered in 12 90-minute lessons or 18-24 60-minute lessons. Some projects have used shorter versions of PRP. Within each lesson, resilience concepts and skills are presented and practiced in a variety of ways. Skills are introduced through skits, role plays, short stories, or cartoons that illustrate the core concepts. Once students have a firm understanding of these concepts, they practice with hypothetical examples that demonstrate how the skill is relevant to real-world situations that they might face. Students discuss situations in which they used, or could have used, the concepts they have just learned. They are then encouraged to use the new skills in their daily life as part of their weekly homework.
You can find a description of the lessons here.
Keeping Cool
Keeping Cool is a Facebook group that provides teachers with strategies and resources to build capacity for resilience in their professional lives.
Their website has a list of links to programs regarding student resilience and resources teachers can use in their teaching. e.g. Aussie Optimism (based on Seligman’s positive psyc stuff), 10-tips-to-build-resilience-in-teens-and-young-adults, Open Doors - A program for Primary & Secondary Schools teaching optimism, coping skills & personal mastery, helping immunise young people against depression.
RIRO Resiliency Skills Training
RIRO resiliency skills training provides professionals working in early learning, child care, mental health and other settings with the knowledge and skills they need to model and teach resilience approaches to young children, from birth to eight years of age.
Building Resilience in Rural Communities Toolkit
This toolkit was created by The University of Queensland and The University of Southern Queensland to provide ideas and information that could be included in rural community programs to enhance people’s resilience. Although many community programs do not have a specific resilience-building component, the content or structure of a program, regardless of its primary purpose, may be easily modified to include some basic resilience principles. In addition, it is envisioned that the wider community may benefit from resilience- enhancing programs without direct participation. Click here to download the full document.
Promise Neighborhoods
The National Institute on Drug Abuse in the USA has funded the Promise Neighborhood Research Consortium (PNRC) to assist high-poverty neighborhoods in translating existing knowledge into widespread, multiple improvements in wellbeing.
The Safe Schools Toolkit
The Safe Schools Toolkit is a national project that brings together the nine key elements of the National Safe Schools Framework defines the nine key elements of a safe and supportive learning community. The Safe Schools Toolkit offers video clips, interviews, activities and strategies on each element, with case studies from a range of school settings that illustrate effective implementation.
The START Program
School Transition And Resilience Training (START) is a program encompassing The Framework for Student Support Services in Victorian Government Schools and the middle years of schooling theory and practice strategy.
The START program embodies core aims expressed in The Framework for Student Support Services in Victorian Government Schools (The Framework). The START program has been designed to assist schools to plan and implement crucial primary prevention strategies to build belonging and promote wellbeing in all students as they reach a stage of potential vulnerability.