Measurement of Student Success, Resilience and Well-being (and Psychological Literacy)



A recent review of several resilience scales found the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) to be particularly useful.

The Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) is a reliable means of assessing resilience as the ability to bounce back or recover from stress.

The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) is a well validated measure of resilience and distinguishes between those with greater and lesser resilience.

The Resiliency Attitudes and Skills Profile (RASP) is designed to measure resilience in youth. 

The Resilience Scale (RS-14) is a well validated scale for measuring resilience. A license for the RS-14 can be purchased from The Resilience Centre.

The Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) is designed to measure psychologically health and life adjustment, which are associated with greater resilience.

Psychological Literacy

Visit for a "pretend" test! Otherwise, Gery Karantzas (Deakin University) and colleagues are in the process of constructing a student self-report scale which measures graduate attributes, which is one way of thinking about psychological literacy.

See also Morris, S., Cranney, J., Mo Jeong, J., & Mellish, L. (2013). Developing psychological literacy: Student perceptions of graduate attributes. Australian Journal of Psychology, 65, 54-62.

Student Success

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